"There is a calmness to a life
lived in gratitude, a quiet joy."
- R. H. Blum
What is Qigong?
Qigong is a holistic mind-body-spirit practice that originated in ancient China. Qi means “life-force energy, breath”; Gong means “skill, mastery”. So we could say that Qigong is the skillful practice (Gong) of gathering, circulating, and enhancing life-force energy (Qi).
A regular Qigong practice has a direct influence on our organs, cells, tissues, fluids, hormones, bone structure etc, and can be used as a powerful tool to counterbalance a world filled with emotional stress, overexertion, information overload, and general fatigue.
A Qigong practitioner utilizes various breathing techniques, posture, gentle movements, intent, and specific visualizations to cleanse, strengthen, circulate, and balance their personal life force potential expressed in the Yin and Yang energies flowing throughout the body.
​The more we master the tools used in our Qigong practice, the more we are becoming aware of the energies flowing in and around our bodies. This new awareness informs us where some of the blocked energies or uncomfortable emotions might reside. Anger in the liver? Sadness, or grief in the lungs? Heaviness in the heart? ​​​​​​​​We learn in Qigong how internal energies can be transformed, transmuted, and guided towards wellness and goodness.
​People around the globe are taking on a regular Qigong routine because its rewards are immediate. A gentle and life-affirming modality, Qigong offers easy-to-learn techniques that help us de-stress, release tension, calm the mind, and connect to our deep personal life force reservoir and “Inner Healer” to generate a balanced and joyful feeling of well-being.

Benefits of Qigong
A regular Qigong practice can help with:
• Lowering stress
• Balancing emotions
• Increasing energy levels
• Improving brain/focus
• Boosting the immune system
• Increasing overall strength and balance
• Lowering blood pressure
• Improving sleep
• Transforming body/mind/spirit
....and so much more!
We are all energy beings emitting wave-like signals from our bodies, our organs, cells, emotions, and even thought patterns. These energies can be felt and registered with our nervous system, like feeling heat and tingling in our hands, a sense of apprehension, excitement, butterflies, or burst of joy, to list a few.
With Qigong we can not only clear emotional or physical blocks, we learn to focus our intention so it materializes in our body down to a cellular level to restore balance and bring about homeostasis.
After a brief purification and cleansing exercise, for example, we go about creating loving and nourishing energy fields to help shift the old unwanted energies. We then imprint new positive life affirming emotions to help ignite our “Inner Healer” so we can facilitate change on a deep level and regain our sense of peace and joy.
This natural and gentle interplay of mind-body-spirit helps us integrate the challenges of everyday life, and can elicit a powerful and long lasting healing experience!

“Everything in life
is vibration”
– Albert Einstein.

"What you seek
is seeking you."
- Rumi
Daniele Nance, MQT
Hello and thank you for your interest in Qigong
The best way to start is to dive right in! But no worries, Qigong is gentle, super relaxing, and fun.
Qigong is known to be a very helpful complementary modality in the healing process. It can be done quietly, standing, sitting or laying down and works well in conjunction with all types of medical and mental care therapies as it aims to increase one’s overall sense of well-being by balancing the Yin and Yang energies on a physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual level, and as a result enhancing our innate healing mechanism.
It is my passion to share Qigong with those in search of a holistic self-healing experience—mind, body, and spirit!
Explore a class or private session to learn the basics of Qigong, and experience what it feels like to move your own energies (Qi) with natural grace and purpose.
Tap into the hidden flow of your deep personal source of healing and inspirational life force energy!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Medical Qigong Practitioner (MQP) and Medical Qigong Therapist (MQT)
Certified through the International Institute of Medical Qigong and the International College of Medical Qigong
JMichael Wood, MMQ,
Dr. Bernard Shannon, DTCM, DMQ (China);
Sarah Cherry, MMQ, DMQ (China);
Qigong Master Course, Level 1-3
Lisa Vanostrand, Dr. of Medical Qigong (China); Dean of Advanced Studies Barbara Brennan School of Healing
Yi Jin Jing Qigong Certification
with Robert Peng
Yi Jin Jing is a Mind Body Transformation Technique with a focus on nourishing soft tissue, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and boosting immune system
Reiki I and II
Usui Shiki Ryoho
First and Second Degree Reiki Certification
With Rev Susana Raquel Pirez
Usui/Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
Quantum Touch Healing Practitioner
(Certification to be completed in 2025)
Richard Gordon and Carol Lee
Breatheology Academy Certificate
Stig Severinsen
Homeopathic Practitioner Certificate
Through the American University of Complementary Medicine
Los Angeles, California
Important disclaimer
Qigong and Medical Qigong are not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to complement it. All material published on the website is for informational and inspirational purposes only. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. We ask you to keep working with your regular physician and professional healthcare team for all your medical needs.
Daniele Nance is not a medical doctor and does not practice medicine. Daniele Nance does not diagnose conditions, cure, prescribe medications or provide medical treatment or medical advice of any kind while teaching classes or giving energy balancing Qigong sessions.